Since life is just moving along way too fast for individual is a review of the Month in general!
Daddy and I celebrated 10 years of being together and 4 years being married!
Work on the basement is moving along...slowly but surely...all the walls and ceiling are up on Grandma's side and the floor is in in the bathroom
Pappy V stopped by for a surprise visit!! It was so awesome to get to see him and Gramy Becky! it was great to see them get to meet the Littlest Miss and visit and interact with the Little Miss, Pappy even got to help put together Daddy's Father's Day/Anniversary present (a great new telescope!).
The Little Miss is into (and climbing) EVERYTHING and starting to actually talk! (Nothing slow about this!) She has her own sweet rendition of bird, kitty, dog, want some, ball, nose, toes, eye, Hi, Bye, night night, what's that, Gi Gi, etc. etc.
She can point to her nose, toes and mouth. Ask her where her eyes or ears are though and she starts pulling her hair...ah well, it's a start!
She also is getting pretty good at following directions/helping... tasks like "go get the book" or "put the book away" or "bring {x} to mommy" or "time to go night night" (after this she gets her cup of milk and goes down to her bed room, as long as we are following her, its just adorable)
Her hair is coming in faster now, she still doesn't have enough for a pony tail or pig tails, but she's not looking quite so bald :) still not sure if it's going to go curly or straight, it looks massively curly in the back but the top is all straight so we will just have to keep waiting and seeing.
What she's not so great at doing is sleeping in her toddler bed. She usually wakes up once a night and we usually go ahead and give in and put her in her crib and let her cry herself back to sleep...not sure what we are going to do once we need the crib for Alli, *or* what we are going to do when we go camping at Pappy's down in TN...
***ETA We actually ended up purchasing another crib and giving up on getting the little miss to sleep in her bed for now since she has been consecutively sleeping through the night in her crib for the first time...ever...***
The Littlest Miss is doing great now, she seems to be getting over what ever it was that made her so sick earlier in the month.
She is growing like a weed, she is out of NB sizes and now in 0-3 month sizes. Not sure how long that is going to last though, she is starting to get in those pudgy baby rolls on her arms and legs and get those pudgy cheeks that everyone just wants to squeeze :)
She can hold her head up really well now and can sit assisted!
During tummy time she can hold her shoulders up off the floor and rests there on her elbows looking around...until she realizes she is doing tummy time and then all bets are off and the kicking and screaming starts...ahhhh just love this stage...
She is cooing like crazy, it's just so adorable! I don't remember the little miss ever cooing per se so it's pretty neat to just listen to her.
She usually gets up once a night around 4ish to feed, so it's not too, too bad but still can't wait till that middle night feeding is over though!
And that's about it till I get around to doing the July version!