Cassie By Month

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Updates and such

Okay, I had been working on a post for the last couple days about how fast a year goes and everything that has changed in the last year, but it was just making me sad so I scrapped that idea...'s an update on Miss Cassie :)
She is growing like a (absolutely beautiful and precious) weed. She will be three months old already in two day's time which is just incredible. She is cooing like crazy telling "stories" all the time, smiling all over the place (until I break out the camera) and though M and the rest of my family tell me I am crazy I believe she is getting our first tooth! I can see something tiny and white popping through that red swollen little gum...not to mention ALL the DROOL!

We took her to the park last week to take her Easter Pictures, can't believe we will be taking her to the park this weekend to take her three month pictures, it just doesn't seem possible.

Also coming up soon will be her blessing, on the 1 year anniversary of my dad's death. We thought it would be a good time to celebrate new life and all the good that is to come instead of dwelling on what could have been. It is going to be a small event with just close family, we wish we could to a big event like we normally would do, but part of the consequences of being a SAHM is the whole making do with one income thing there for we make do with what we got :).
Speaking of being a SAHM I am LOVING being at home with my little girlie everyday. It is by far the hardest job I have ever had (and I have worked with Car Salesmen, Lawyers AND Bridal Consultants...) but it is the most rewarding one too. However as awesome as it is being the one to raise my daughter instead of sending her off to a stranger to do it for me, it isn't without its stresses but it is totally worth every little struggle and every cut we have made or may have to make in the future.

Being a SAHM has put me into nesting phase big time, I want this house clean and am fighting a losing battle trying to keep it that way (trying to spring clean just seems to be making bigger messes!). I have been trying to get more creative with the cooking, which has been quite the experience, my poor husband lol I am glad that waited almost three years to start doing more of the cooking otherwise i'm not sure we would have made it this long.

I also went over to my mom's house and picked up one of her extra sewing machines and decided I am going to just have to learn how to make the clothing and toys that Cassie is just going to grow out of before she gets a chance to wear them out. My mom made a majority of the clothes for my brother and I when we were little so it can't be that hard right?? We will see how it goes, stay tuned for updates!
And, since I haven't posted many in a long time, here are some new pictures of Miss Cassie!

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