Cassie By Month

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Foto Friday ~ Fun in the Snow

We FINALLY got some snow!  Not much only a couple inches, still snow blow-able and still play outside in it-able!  so we put A down for a nap and headed out side with C (it was still a bit wet and cold for the littlest Miss to come out and join us so she stayed inside in the nice warm house with grandma keeping an eye over the monitor) C Had a blast going sledding on the tube that Santa dropped off for the family :)

She found some flowers that had dried up but were still standing and with the snow covering them she thought they were wishing flowers :) so she had to blow on them, unfortunately snow isn't as easy to blow away for wish making so daddy had to help a little...

Daddy broke out the snow blower and went to town while C and I went back inside and got nice and warm.

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