Cassie By Month

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday

Woke up yesterday morning to a surprise...not only was Cassie smiling, but she managed to pull herself up in the Crib!

How in the world did we get this far so fast?? A few weeks ago she was barely rolling over, now she is totally on the move, crawling and pulling herself up on everything and anything she can, clapping and smiling and chit chatting away like crazy...ahhhh its going so fast, slow down little girl!


JayZ said...

I love the morning smiles :-) She is growing up so fast! But it must be fun to have her be more interactive now.

Cassie's Mom said...

I love morning smiles too! But they have really been a rarity lately, except at about 3 am then she is usually all smiles lol...this was actually at 7 am though! So happy she let us have a couple hours of sleep.

It is super nice that she is more interactive, she actually will come to us now if we say come to mommy or come to daddy, its just awesome. Now we need to get her socializing with other kids and people though, she has a major case of stranger danger.