Cassie By Month

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Firsts - Vacation!

I love experiencing the world through Cassie's eyes... everything is new to her and I love just watching her soak everything in for the first time. Matt and I have been trying to capture all her firsts on (Digital) film...some things we miss, but I think we have been pretty diligent in getting the important things :) so each Friday I figure I will document some of the more fun and important firsts, some will be recent, some will take some catching up but all of them should be pretty darned adorable (if I do say so myself...of course I may be just *slightly* biased lol)

Last month we took our first Vacation with Cassie... We went to Cape Cod and there were a ton of firsts for her and I think she took it wonderfully especially for an almost 6 month old...

Her first time in a hotel... She slept amazingly well, I was so proud of her!

Her first time sitting up in a high chair out at a restaurant

Her first time in a pool...she wasn't so sure about the cool water, but she didn't scream or cry or even whimper so she didn't hate it, that's a plus!

Her first time with her toes in the sand...She loved it that night when it was nice and cool, next day she wasn't as much of a fan though...

Her first time in the ocean...Not to thrilled with it lapping up against her at night, the next day she tolerated it with mommy for a while...then it was daddy to the rescue.

and finally her first time at a wine tasting...I think the picture explains itself...


brookedanielle said...

It's really soo amazing watching this little girl grow! Thanks for sharing the adventure!

Cassie's Mom said...

Aw thanks Brooke!