Cassie By Month

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas at the Inn

Well it's official, our first house bought is now our first house sold. So that means we were all settled in our new home for Cassie's first Christmas right? unfortunately not. The bank is still giving us the runaround (over a water test that has so far passed two times) so we moved out of our house straight into a hotel.

Not that it's all bad, I mean the "room" is more like an apartment and it is absolutely beautiful (see below for pictures) and where else can a SAHM have breakfast cooked for her family 7 days a week and dinner cooked 4 nights a week and have the trash taken care of and clean towels delivered as needed?! But the fact is we are still in a hotel, we are officially legally homeless at the moment and we don't technically have a street address, however we are making the most out of it, considering it holidays on vacation :). We decorated the place for Christmas and are making it feel nice and homey, the staff are so incredibly nice and really make us feel very welcomed.

So on to Christmas itself. We started on Christmas eve with trips to both of Cassie's paternal grandparents. She loved opening the presents it was so neat to see her ripping the paper :) and she loved the presents themselves as well, as long as they didn't make noise at first lol.

Christmas morning we were all set up with the video camera, ready to see her reaction when she saw all the new presents under the tree and her special own chair...what does she do? goes straight to the presents she opened the day before! She had little to no interest in opening the new toys when she knew she had perfectly great ones right in front of her!

Christmas day was spent with my mom's entire side of her family. 15 of us crammed into this room for dinner and presents. I thought the food came out pretty good, great in fact given all the room we had for preparations! Then after the food was done we headed down to the lobby for a bit more room, some Kinect games and desert! Kudos to my cousin for thinking to bring it! Over all I don't think the day could have gone any better.

Then on the 26th we had our VanAlstyne family Christmas which was awesome as always, I don't think I could ask for a better set of inlaws :) it was great to get to see Cassie meet and interact with her cousin Zoe who is about a year older than she is for pretty much the first time ever.

So I know that was a very quick update on a very special Christmas, but hey, it's been a long long weekend :)

Now on to finish the first birthday plans lol. Where it will be nobody knows, but it will be special and it will be awesome, Cassie may not remember it, but we will and we will be able to tell her all about it.

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