Cassie By Month

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Moving finally (maybe)

First off, let me apologize for any editing errors and the picture quality. Since the computer is all packed up I'm doing this post from my iPod (including taking the pictures!) so hopefully this works!

So we have been going through the wonderful process of selling our house and buying a new one. This process has been going on since sometime mid May. We found what we thought was our dream home and lost out on it, finally sold this house and found a new house, our blank slate, our fresh start for the future. We have been ready to close for the last few weeks but have been getting the runaround from the bank BUT I think we are FINALLY in the homestretch and will be closing sometime next week (just in time for our first Christmas we are hosting!) or at least we are completely planning on it since we have rented the moving truck and have moved at least 1/2 the house out into it.

Hopefully we will be able to fit everything in the truck! It seems big enough from the outside, but everything that has accumulated in the house over the last almost two years really adds up!

Cassie has really been such a good girl through the entire ordeal, even trying to help out!

Kinda hard to keep the tv out of the girls reach without a entertainment center but we are nothing if not inventive (though I am just waiting for the crash on the middle of the night when one of the cats tries to jump up there !)

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