Cassie By Month

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Friday Firsts - Kindermusik

Disclaimer: Today's Friday first post is also the first First post with no pictures to back up the experience we were too busy having fun to take pictures!

Wednesday the first was Cassie's first Kindermusik class!

I was a little worried how she would react to being around other kids since I am a SAHM and she hasn't really been around other kiddos for any extended period of time. We were both the youngest in the group, most of the kids were 2 or almost 2. She was a little shy at first, but we were only the second ones there so she warmed up really quick and was much better as other kids came into the room.

Class started off with massage and a song, then we moved on to dancing around the room and looking/describing different pictures/objects as the song stopped, then out came the instruments :) Cassie took to the rhythm sticks very well though she often forgot that you are supposed to hit them together to make a sound rather than put them in you mouth to suck on them. At first I tried to discourage the whole putting the sticks in your mouth thing, but the teacher told me to let her go and that the mouth is the first place they start learning things like hot/cold or hard/soft etc. (and she made sure to tell me that they clean and disinfect everything after each class). We also did songs that included Cassie riding around the room in a laundry basked (pretending it was a wagon and a space ship of course) and also the ever popular parachute - most kids liked to sit under it while the moms (and nanny) walked around them with it and went up and down with it, Cassie on the other hand wanted to hold onto it with one hand and onto me with the other and walk around in the circle :). She just LOVES her walking now that she can do it!

She may not have gotten everything the class was doing such as rolling the balls or reaching up/sitting down when the song said to do it, but she did have fun (which is the main point for now!). She loved just walking around AND she started standing up by herself (not just standing by herself but getting up from the floor with out any assistance whatsoever!) she did it 3 times while we were there and kept on doing it once we got home...that girl just loves to go!

So amidst all of the activities Cassie started making friends with this one other girl in the class it was just the most adorable thing ever. Everywhere one or the other went the other was there in a matter of minutes. I am so so glad there were no meltdowns, I dunno why I was worried, but I was!

So all in all we both had a great time and I see definite learning potential for her as she gets older so it may be pricey but well worth every penny. Especially for us since she needs the socialization (and lets face it I do to :) ).

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

and i was gonnsa ask if you made any friends too. maybe get to know the woman with the baby that she befriended so playdates might be possible.

kids are so lucky. i never had any kinder classes. i didnt even get preschool. i was just lucky there was 2 girls who rode the bus that thought me eating paper was magical