Cassie By Month

Monday, August 16, 2010

So Big - So Fast

I can hardly believe all that has happened in the last year...we go from being baby free to having a beautiful baby girl who is growing and learning faster than I ever thought was possible. Sure everyone told me to hold on to every little moment because it goes by too quickly but I never imagined it would go by as fast as it is!

She is just past 7 months old and is sitting up, rolling all over the place, beginning to crawl, starting to wave and trying to figure out how to pull herself up to stand. Its just unimaginable how fast this is happening!

Her favorite mode of transportation at the moment is rolling, she can get across the living room in no time at all if no one is looking and she has been crawling backward for a while now but now she is beginning to do the army crawl forward (scratch that, even in the two days it has taken me to do this post she is getting really good at the whole crawling thing).

It's kinda scary I thought I would have a bit more time for the child proofing but it looks like I really need to get on that! And on top of the child proofing the floors now need to get vacuumed at least once if not twice a day thanks to Sirius and his clumps of shaggy black hair. I cannot wait to get into a house that has hardwood floors, make it so much easier than lugging the Kirby around all the time :)

On top of the new and improved mobility Cassie is now (consistently) saying MaMa, DaDa, BaBa (though she still wont really drink from one...) and I could swear she was saying KiKi (Kitty Kitty?) at Prissy the other day. She has the most adorable voice, I love listening to her chit chatting away when she is in her car seat or just laying on her blanket for tummy time.

She is finally starting to actually get ticklish around her ribs :) but we have yet to hear her do some true belly laughs. She will giggle and once an a while her daddy can get laugh but its all so random.

She is eating almost all of the stage 2 purees, her favorite being Apples and Apricots, her least favorite is Bananas (blech! I don't blame her :) ). We tried yogurt (Gerber Yogurt Blends, pear favored) for the first time last night as well and she LOVED it. On the other hand we also tried some cherry flavored Gerber Puffs and she hated them, not sure if it was the flavor or she just had no idea what to do with them once she got them in her mouth :)

That's about all I got for now, so till next time I'll leave you with some pics of Cassie and her first Yogurt...

1 comment:

JayZ said...

I'm in denial that Joslyn is already 2 months so I can't imagine how you feel that your baby is 7 months :-) She is too adorable!

And ugh on the dog hair! I have hard wood floors but still have clumps of Abby hair everywhere. And I keep finding hair on Joslyn's play mat. That can't be good. The swiffer is my best friend, lol. I'm thinking I need that robot vacuum. I'm sure Abby would LOVE that, lol.