Cassie By Month

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Firsts - Our little walker!

Well I was going to post a video (or two...) of our little walker, but she has decided to take a hiatus from those wonderful nice long naps she used to take since exploring her little world is just so much more interesting :) so I will have to post the video later when she has gone to bed

But for now I will say that she is getting very, very good at the whole walking thing, she will take about 5 or 6 steps all by herself (when she wants to :) ) or she will push her little walker toy thingy across the living room :) so so adorable watching her take these first steps (and so hard to catch it happening on video!). I can't believe this is happening already.

Another thing that she is getting very good at is climbing! Given the chance she will climb all the way up to the top of our stairs, however owing to the danger in that little adventure we quickly put up a gate. Now she tries her hand at climbing anything else she can, right now her favorite item to climb on is her little rocking chair (that once belonged to her Great Great Great Aunt, her Nana, her Grandma and her mommy :) ). She can now not only get up in it, but turn herself around and sit in it too. Just so precious.

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