Cassie By Month

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Snack Time!

So Cassie has been getting pretty bored puffs for snacks so last time we were out I figured I would pick up some thing new for her to try out...

I picked up some Gerber Arrowroot Cookies for her to I had never heard of these before, but they looked big enough for her to hold onto and to last her a while and hard enough to get her actually in the practice of chewing. What I did not know was how big a mess these little cookies could make! Oye they get all over her, me, the couch, the carpet, the dog, the cat...the list goes on and on.. but they do keep her quiet and occupied for quite a while and she just loves them (all 2 of them she gets all day...) and they make for good pictures so I guess they were a good choice for now...

P.S. I just can't get enough of those eye lashes!!

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