Cassie By Month

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Friday Firsts - Snow!

While technically the snow we got last Monday,11/8/10, (all 1.2 inches of it) was not her First snow, the last snow storm we got she pretty much slept through while we were outside taking pictures so I am counting this as a first since she was actually kind of interested in it.

She wasn't too sure about it at first...after all it is cold and wet...

but then she started trying to catch it in her cute little hand...

Can't wait till next year when we can go out together and play in it when it really snows! Oh the sledding fun we will have as a family!


MTDV said...

AHHHHH!!! These pictures make my heart melt!!!!! what an amazing happy u captured it on camera!!! u can just feel the excitement and the ur beautiful family :) LOVE LOVE LOVE !!!

Team M.A.C.K. said...

Aww thanks Mim! I can't wait to see the look on her face when she is toddling through a foot plus of snow :) or her first time on a sled :). Ah snow is so magical!!

And 99.9% of time I have a camera attached at my hip just so I can capture those moments! Now if only I can remember to keep the video camera just as close I would be doing great... Still need to capture those first steps lol