Cassie By Month

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Firsts - A couple...

I don't have a whole lot of pictures for this weeks post.

But I do have a couple of firsts or maybe a mix of firsts and lasts...

First...Cassie is starting to dole out not only Hugs but Kisses as well (though never ever when there is a camera around) two of the sweetest things ever are receiving one of these kisses for myself and or seeing her give her daddy a kiss :)

Also Cassie's first (four) upper teeth are finally breaking through! She is taking is like a champ and so far just has completely random outbursts of crying and fussiness...

Next up is the fact that I think we are finally seeing the end of the onesie (for a couple of months anyway) in this house...I think the little miss is going through a growth spurt since her 18 month clothes are quickly becoming shorter and shorter in the sleeves and legs. So we will be on to the 24 month and 2T clothing very shortly because 1) it gets harder and harder to find onesies in that size and 2) it is soooooo much easier to get a plain shirt on over a very mobile little girls head :)

Another item that is quickly going the way of the dinosaur are Cassie's bottles and formula...right now we are on sippy cups of plain old whole milk and watered down juice through the day and only one bottle of formula to get her to sleep at night. As soon as we are done with this last cannister of formula though that bottle is history as well. Really pretty nervous about that!


brooke.danielle said...

Gosh, she is just so darn cute! Keep that camera close by, can't wait to see some Cassie Kisses! =]

JayZ said...

She's growing up so fast! And I'm looking forward to the no more onesies age because t-shirts will show off Jos's cute cloth diapers :-) I'm also really looking forward to the time when I can wean her from breastfeeding. I keep counting the months! It's great to have that bonding with her but pumping at work is a PIA, lol!

Bekah said...

Oh my gosh we are running into the same problem with onesies! Why do they suddenly stop making them at 24 months? My guess was most kids start to potty train around then?

Team M.A.C.K. said...

Lol Brooke come on over and maybe you can get one of those kisses of your very own :)

Janelle I bet it will be a blast coordinating Jos's diapers with her shirts :)

You know Bekah I never thought of the potty training aspect of the onesie, I bet that would make things extremely difficult!