Cassie By Month

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This mommy reads

Alright...goal for 2011 is 25 books read. Who knows if I can make it or not, but at least I have a goal!! I am bound and determined to make it to some of the actual get together's for our local Nest Book Club rather than just read the book so we shall see!

1. Awakened (House of Night book 8) ~ PC and Kristen Cast

Currently reading - Storm Front (The Dresden Files Book 1) ~ Jim Butcher
Songs of Love and Death - Various Short Stories
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child - Marc Weisbluth

And since we are talking books...

Since the last Harry Potter release it has been a very, very long time since I have been super excited about a book the point where I would actually go to the book store and wait in line until midnight when it was released so I could be one of the first people to start reading it.

I would gladly do that for...

..IF I wasn't pre-ordering it on my nook so it would get delivered right to me :)

If you have never heard of Pioneer Woman before check out her blog @ she has everything from cooking to gardening to photography to even home schooling covered and a great love story to boot!


Sumer said...

I have tried a couple of her recipies and they are really good! I make her poppers at almost every gathering (with a slight variation that is in her cookbook.

I have to make a goal for books too.

JayZ said...

I read the story when she posted it on her blog. Is there more in the book? I might have to add it to my nook list :-)

I'm reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child right now and have been since Jos was born (he has another book called Your Fussy Baby that really helped us). I love that it's split up into ages to tell you what to do at that stage and discussses sleep problems. We've been doing extinction crying for a month now since nothing else was working and I see a MAJOR improvement! Last night she slept for 12 hours! And her naps are better already.

Charlotte said...

I need to get a kindle or nook or something. i have no new books to read and am sooo lazy i don' even have a library card anymore. My goal is always to just rea a book a month, I don't think I could handle 25.