Cassie By Month

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fun Friday - Shining Seas and Waves of Grain

Lately I have been looking into more fun things to do with the little Miss inside since it's either been too bitterly cold or windy to take her outside.

A while back I had found a sand and water table on Amazon and thought it was one of the most brilliant things I had ever seen. However, at $60 (plus shipping) it wasn't really in the budget...I figured I could get the same results recreating something myself.

So I got two totes ($10) a set of sand toys ($10) a watering can ($1) and a bag of Rice ($5) and recreated a whole heck of a lot of fun for a grand total of $26. Plus the toys and watering can will be able to be used elsewhere as well :) win win all around...

I split the fun up so that water wasn't making its way into the rice and vice versa for now.

Of course Cassie had to get dressed up to play in the water :) I turned the heat up in the house so it felt nice and summery inside. I figured since Cassie has been afraid of the water (bath time has been oh so *super* fun lately) I would try to make it as much fun as possible hopefully this will help with her bath time fears over time!

She was hesitant at first, but eventually she (ahem) dove right in.

and by the end she was having a grand old time!

The next day we got the rice out. I decided to go with the rice rather than sand for a few reasons...1)it was way cheaper 2) it was easier to find 3) I figured when the rice found it's way into her mouth it would be a bit healthier than sand :) 4) it was sooooooooo much easier to clean up!

This time Cassie wasn't so hesitant...

She went right for the toys she knew first...

But after a while she found out that the new ones were just so much cooler...

Love the Hugs she was giving them!

All smiles at the end.

All in all I think it was a great $26 investment who needs an actual table for this?? When she gets a bit taller we will buy her her own little table (well one to be shared with her sister) that she can use for all sorts of stuff and the totes can be set on when they are out and being used.

But anyway...between the water and the rice and the toys and general mess making I think she is getting some much needed sensory stimulation and learning. And lets be honest I have a lot of fun with it too, especially watching her process and concentrate on investigating everything her fingers touch (and or everything that goes in her mouth...). We will probably be pulling these out once a week or so if not more.

Next thing to try? Finger Painting! We may wait a few more months on that one though :)


JayZ said...

What a great idea! And it looks like she had so much fun!

I can't wait to get Jos in a pool or take her to the beach. She LOVES bath time!

Marci said...

Finger paint with pudding

Abby said...

Ah, look at those little legs! She is too cute, and getting so big.