Cassie By Month

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wordy Wednesday

Sorry no wordlessness today.

Yesterday after Daddy got home from work we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and head out to discover our newly uncovered lawn.

Cassie had a blast investigating everything.

And running around the yard!

Today wasn't really the best of days weather wise to start out, it was really pretty rainy...not cold per se but wet and damp. I saw alot of people complaining that meant they were stuck inside the house...but I say rain is a part of spring and a little water never hurt anyone, infact it opens a whole new world of things to explore! No rain would mean no melting snow right?

So we headed out on our (fabulously large) front porch. Daddy was kind enough to install the gate last night so we could go out there and play with her toys that wouldn't work out on the lawn.

Even Sirius got to come out and join us leash free since we had the gate!

He loves his girl.

I'm counting this one as a sensory activity for the little Miss...she got to investigate the ice, stomping on it, listening to the sound it made, picking it up feeling how cold and hard and wet it was...

Even taking it out for a taste test...

All in all it was a pretty great time. I just love watching her explore everything around her! And I hope to never let the rain keep me inside again. As long as it isn't pouring or hurricane type winds it's bound to be fun and a great time to see new things that you don't get to see when the sun is shining...I mean how many worms or mud puddles or birds hunting for those worms do you see when the sun is shining??? Plus with out the rain how would you go chasing rainbows??


Charlotte said...

"a little water never hurt anyone" you tell that to noah

Team M.A.C.K. said...

LOL but didn't even Noah learn and grow from the experience??

And a little rain here and there isn't earth shattering amounts :)