Cassie By Month

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

27 Weeks and I crave rainbows...

Had a doctor appointment today so I thought it was way past time to do an updated post! (don't worry there may not be belly pics with this post, but I hope to take at least one soon!)

I have no idea where the time went, but today I went into have my Glucose test done. I feel like I completely skipped over my entire 2nd trimester...where is the energy burst I was supposed to get? Or the end of the nausea/acid reflux? I think I want a refund on that entire trimester please!

But anyway back to the test/appointment...I swear the cup of that *wonderful* stuff was NOT that big last time :) but I got it down, it's not all that bad like a mini cup of flat super sweet soda.

Everything went great, Ali is growing perfect and her little heart was chugging right along, she didn't appreciate the dopplar though she kept finding a way to kick/punch and/or just move out of range (that is what they get for making me drink the super sugary drink before doing my normal apt :) ). And the vampire nurse I had was able to get all the blood she needed from just one jab! First time ever that happened (including my various hospital stays with Cassie requiring at least one IV each time), usually they need to poke one arm, route around for a vein decide that isn't working then try the other arm repeat the process then move down to my hands where they finally get a vein that drips and drops...this time? Nope one jab and 6 filled vials later I am free to go!

Blood pressure was fine, but I need to go back next week to get my lovely RhoGAM shot. After that it's another 3 weeks till my next apt!

How far along? 27 Weeks

How big is baby? according to my Bump ticker about the size of an Egg Plant...but according to Fit Pregnancy about the size of a small Pot Roast...

Stretch marks? yep on my thighs, but nothing on the belly still, YAY!

Weight Gain? FINALLY...not saying how much though :)

Sleep? Nope not much but that is more because of Cassie...

Best moment this week? the temp got above 50 degrees on Monday!! It felt sooooo nice, sure its single digits with subzero wind chill today, but still there was that shining ray of hope :)

Food Cravings? FINALLY! I craved a nice M&M McFlurry, and then today had an awesome craving for some Funfetti Cake :)...looks like I am craving rainbows...

Gender? GIRL!!!

What do you miss? NOT having acid reflux...and being able to walk a full day with out waddling...

What are you looking forward to? being able to sleep on my back...and or being able to play on the floor with Cassie and not having my back spasm.

Milestone? Had my Glucose test today does that count??

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