Cassie By Month

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Some Fresh Air

Today was a nice bright sunshiny day so Cassie and I decided to get out there and get some fresh air. It wasn't warm by any means, but it also wasn't below freezing, nothing a few layers of clothing couldn't handle. So we bundled up and headed outside.

Thankfully daddy had snow blown a path in our back yard so the fuel oil delivery guy didn't have to struggle to get back to where our pipe is to fill the tank otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to get out there because while there is a ton of snow, its just not the kind you can walk through let alone play in thanks to layers of ice in between the snowfalls.

We brought out a ball with us to play with, but between the many layers of clothing, the boots and the mittens she couldn't do much of anything with it, but I think she liked just being outside the change of scenery did us both good.

I think her favorite part of the day however was watching Sirius play in the snow (little showoff that he is) she would just laugh and laugh at him. I think he was also happy to have humans out there with him!

It looks like its going to be pretty chilly till the weekend...not frigid by any means but not the kind of weather that the little miss would really like to be out in...but maybe, just maybe, if we ask really nice Daddy will snow blow another path to her swing set so we can swing out there next week. Who says we need to wait till spring to try it out??

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

i love her little kitty hat. and that the snow level is like the prefect leaning level for her.