Cassie By Month

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fun Friday - Imagination!

It is truly amazing watching Miss Cassie grow from a baby into a little person. Not just the milestones lately, but just watching her mind develop as well. Right now I think we are seeing her imagination come out more and more. Her favorite thing? Talking on the "phone" be it a real one or a fake one, or even a remote control. She will have animated conversations with herself, at first I thought she was just copying mommy and daddy, but then she started doing it on her own just picking up anything remotely phone shaped and talking into it, pausing as if getting a response and talking into it again.

Now when I say talking, I mean she babbles in her own language, we havent *quite* gotten the hang of big people words yet, but daddy and I work on it with her every day (and night).

She is also picking up on the copying game, when she sees someone dancing on tv (her favorite show being Yo Gabba Gabba) she tries very hard to imitate what they are doing, then just gets on a role and does her own thing and just goes crazy (which is awesome and encouraged :) we like to have fun in this house, have I mentioned that?). Her newest thing she tries to do is jumping, so adorable to watch her try and do it!

And on top of all that she loves being read to, at least the first two pages of every book she brings out to us. Which is usually her entire book shelf throughout the day. We will sit and we will start reading one book, she will get up run and get another, start reading that...the cycle goes on and on though we are more than happy to oblige her. Her absolute favorite book right now seems to be Brown Bear, Brown Bear. She will actually go all the way through this one, not once but twice. The first time we read through using the words and the second time using the animal sounds. Never thought I would love reading a children's book like this over and over and over...but? I do :)

and the headband in that picture? Yeah she put it on...looks like dress up is just around the corner.


brooke.danielle said...

Such an exciting and fun time! It is amazing to watch creativity and imagination just come out of nowhere when they are so little... once the words start flowing, then the imagination will take on a whole new life! I've been having a blast with Zoe, her imagination is definitely vivid, and helps jump start MY imagination! I hope that Miss Cassie is inspiring you too.

JayZ said...

Your posts about Miss Cassie make me so excited for all the exciting things ahead with Joslyn! And we have Brown Bear, Brown Bear too :-) I love Eric Carle books! Joslyn's favorite book right now is 10 Friendly Fireflies...I'm guessing because the fireflies light up. She likes to try and grab them, hehehe.

Bekah said...

oh my gosh the headband is too much!